Town Hopping
May 13, 2016 at 7:42 pm,
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Well you all probably think that after our big adventure in the rainforest that we would fly straight back to the boat and leave, right?
Well, you're WRONG.
As our engine parts suddenly were expected to arrive in ANOTHER 10 days, we were unable to do anything about the engine until the 5th of May - and we were NOT going to stay in that stinking and boring marina for another 10 days.
We cancelled our flight and the next thing we knew was we were in a river boat that was going to take us on a 2 day trip all the way to a town called Santarem with 600 other people on the same ship. I have to say, this boat trip was truly awesome. I know, I have been on a boat for 2 and a 1/2 years and I still find river trips really cool. But this was really stunning and the scenery was also just beautiful.
After 2 full days of travelling downriver, we finally stopped in the town we were aiming to get to: Santarem.
We were planning to stay there for around 3 days but as there was litterally nothing to do, we only stayed 1. Soon we were on a bus that was zooming all the way to ANOTHER town which supposedly had quite a few lovely river beaches and treks.
This time we were lucky and we DID find quite a few interesting things to do from our hotel.